<BGSOUND SRC="thewaywewere.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>

Class of '55 Memories

This web site is maintained by Dodie E. (Smith) Browning

Not everyone can say they have seen Ida's "bloomers"!

Ida's Class Of '55 Memory Book

I just scan pictures from the originals (grin)
Some don't have heads. Some don't have legs.

W.B who?

Buddy Grover visiting the Hattons

The blonde is Margaret Ward!
Is that Vera Lee on the left?

Gotta love Gloria's glasses and Earl's socks!

Didn't know Rosetta ever smoked!
Gotta love those "doos"!

Do you know where your children are?

Hot Hot Hot!
The air conditioning went out that year!
Still one of the best reunions ever!!!

40 Year Reunion

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